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Ecole de Légèreté


In this section you can learn more about my background to help you find out on which wavelength I am tuned. From my point of view, it is very important that the chemistry is right between instructor and student so that the lessons can bear fruit. Thanks to my parents and teachers I have learned to swim against the current and I am able to afford the luxury of doing what I personally think is right, which is a wonderful gift.

The passion for horses with their grace and elegance has captivated me very early in my life and has been the center of my life ever since. Luckily, my parents were extremely supportive so that I have been able to indulge in this wonderful hobby since the tender age of six. In my school holidays I spend the time at the yard of my still highly-valued ridging instructor Ottilie Berger, a good friend of Liselotte Linsenhoff. At this time, the FN guidelines were still adhered to and all the experts were in agreement on what is right and what is wrong. After getting my trainer's license (Trainer B, FN), I started giving riding lessons. This provided me with a sound basis of knowledge and experience.

Later on, I had other riding instructors. My own young Trakehner mare was starting very nicely. I participated in clinics of various riding instructors, some of them well-known. However, I am afraid to say, the more advanced their level was, the stronger aids they asked for: 'More legs, more hands, resist with your hands ...' Naturally, this was at the expense of harmony, suppleness and lightness. Knowing that this should really be quite the reverse, made me pause.

Looking for a way of training and teaching horses and riders that would satisfy this desire, I met Philippe Karl in 1998. The explanations he gives and his riding philosophy are convincing and logical. He shows exceptional dedication to horse-friendly training - a genuine horseman. As a result, a considerable change is often visible after only a few lessons: HORSE AND RIDER QUICKLY RADIATE HARMONY AND LIGHTNESS AGAIN

When I started training with Philippe Karl, I rediscovered my original pleasure in riding, saw some silver lining on the horizon at last. Teaching makes sense to me again and it makes me happy to see my students and their horses make considerable progress. To think I had been about to give up resignedly!

Since 1999 I have organized several clinics per year with Philippe Karl. Working closely with him on a Trakehner stud farm in 2001 was an excellent opportunity for me to profit from his profound knowledge and riding skills by taking lessons with him several times a week as well as watching him in his daily training. Riding one of his stallions that he had schooled to the level of piaffe and passage was a unique experience for me. Even though I had previously ridden other horses on the same level, riding this horse allowed me to feel what it means to ride in lightness.

In 2007, I became a licensed teacher of the School of Légèreté after successfully completing my exams on Level III.

Since December 2010, I hold teachers' clinics for the School in Austria and southern Germany.

Especially in times like ours, in which dressage is dominated by commercial aspects and we are exposed to temporary riding fashions, eg 'Rollkur', promoted by certain trainers whose own virtuosity in the saddle is not even of an acceptable level, I am very grateful to have found such an appreciated teacher as Monsieur Karl.

Beside this I became very interested in yoga and so I integrate breathing and meditation techniques as well as working with mental images into my lessons. I am sure this all will help to succeed in forming a unity with your horse!

Do you truly care for the well-being of your horse? Have I attracted your curiosity and are you interested in learning more about the way I work? Please contact me - I am happy to answer your questions.

My aim is and always has been what many classical riding masters have described: Perfect unity with my horse - a pleasure to the 'inner' and the 'outer' eye. And this is what I want to be able to teach as well.

Course Structure

Weekly lessons only in the area of ​​Hannover / Germany in Springe-Gestorf.

Have a look: Manor von Ilten in Springe-Gestorf

Open 3-days courses

  • max. 8 participants, only private lessons

  • individual lessons, dependence on the main problems, feedback

  • improving the aids, the basis work, like: suppleness, relaxation, lightness, casual state, aims, how to reach these aims

  • theory lessons "handout"

  • Training at the longe with the caveson

  • Work in hand


3-days-clinic with your own horse 300, - € / rider

plus costs for the journey, lodge and board

Courses in overseas countries: 900, - € / day plus cost for the journey, lodge and board

Upcoming events

Ecole de Légèreté

Ecole de Légèreté is based on the absolute respect of the horse, on its trust and motivation. Because of that, many people interested in horsemanship find their way to us. Légèreté is based on ideas and philosophies of the classical masters of centuries gone. It is a system always searching for improvement, it is ready to re-analyze and improve itself with the current progress of knowledge in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, psychology, balance and ethology.

"Légèreté is not a declaration of intent of a poetic or esoteric nature but a philosophy bringing together clear, effective and measurable equestrian concepts. It excludes any force or coercive artificial aids, but includes all types of horses and takes an interest in all equestrian disciplines . " - - Philippe Karl

For me Ecole de Légèreté is not just an excellent riding philosophy. It is also animating to think about philosophy in general. "Riding is characterized by effortlessness and beauty of a completely relaxed horse, that gives the impression to move without any help of its rider. It should be our aim to keep that lightness and beauty during the work with our horses. Like that it is qualified to become an art. "

- Nuno Oliveira

You are welcome to join us!

Participation as a Spectator

You are always welcome to attend the courses.

Dates can be found HERE and on the homepage of Philippe Karl .

Course Structure

Sabine Mosen

Ecole de Légèreté

Sabine Mosen

Licensed Teacher & Master Teacher

of the Ecole de Légèreté, Dipl. ing. agr.

Hallerstr 18

31171 Hallerburg


hairdryer. 0049 (0) 5044-881248

  • Facebook - Weiß, Kreis,
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